Monday, February 1, 2016


We went out this morning to a favorite quiet stream and gathered a bucket of our first watercress of the season. It's the earliest we've been out! A January thaw meant we could actually get over the roadside snowbanks to the stream. And a snowstorm predicted for tomorrow means this was the perfect opportunity to grab some greens.

All cleaned and pretty!
The stream is challenging in any month that has an "r" in it (the best time to gather watercress before it gets too buggy). It can be steep, mucky and mighty slippery. One has to keep their wits and wellies about them (once the mucky bottom of the stream sucked the boot right off me!). Today, other than an initial slip, it was easy gathering. Wading in, we quickly and carefully cut the top off the plant just under the surface of the water leaving plenty of leaves and roots on each plant.

With ice cream bucket filled - and mighty cold hands! - we headed home to rinse off sand and check for critters (they love watercress too!). Then into salads and sandwiches!